Family Planning Associates.

In the United States, Family Planning Associates (FPA) was a nonprofit organisation that offered reproductive health services, such as contraception, abortion treatment, and associated medical services. It's vital to keep in mind that I don't have access to real-time information and that my knowledge cutoff date is in September 2021. I am unable to give you the most recent information regarding the organization's status or operations as a result.

Family planning associates| Natural family planning thermometer

FPA was established in 1969 and ran numerous clinics across the US, particularly in California. They provided a variety of services at their clinics, such as advice on birth control, pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment, annual physicals, and surgical and medicinal abortion procedures.

Because organisations and services pertaining to reproductive health may alter or develop throughout time, I suggest referring For the most recent details on Family Planning Associates or other related services you might be looking for, consult the most recent and trustworthy sources or get in touch with the appropriate organisations directly.

 Important information

In 2019, there are 1.9 billion women in the globe who are of reproductive age (15–49), and of them, 1.1 billion need family planning. Of these, 842 million use contraceptives, and 270 million still need them [1, 2].

Indicator 3.7.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) has shown that, globally, the proportion of the need for family planning covered by modern technologies has stalled at roughly 77% from 2015 to 2020, but has climbed from 55% to 58% in the Africa area [3].

Condoms are the only form of birth control that can stop a pregnancy as well as the spread of HIV and other STDs.

The human right of people to choose the number and spacing of their children is advanced by the use of contraception.

brief summary

The right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, the ability to work and receive an education, as well as other rights, are advanced when everyone has access to the contraceptive methods they desire. This also has major health and other benefits. When births are separated by less than two years, the infant mortality rate is 45% higher than when births are separated by 2-3 years, and 60% higher than when births are separated by four or more years [4]. Use of contraception also reduces the health risks associated with pregnancy for women, particularly for adolescent girls. It provides a number of possible non health benefits, including increased educational opportunities, female emancipation, and country wide sustainable population growth and economic development.

Over the past two decades, the number of women who want to utilise family planning has significantly increased, going from 900 million in 2000 to around 1.1 billion in 2020.  As a result, the number of women using an effective method of contraception rose from 663 million to 851 million, and the prevalence rate of contraception climbed from 47.7 to 49.0 percent. By 2030, 70 million more women are anticipated to be born [5].

Modern contraceptive techniques currently account for a growing share of women of reproductive age who have their family planning needs covered (SDG indicator 3.7.1), going from 73.6% in 2000 to 76.8% in 2020 [5].Reasons for this gradual increase include: a small selection of methods; limited access to services, particularly for young, less wealthy, and single people; fear or experience of side effects; opposition from culture or religion; a lack of quality in the services that are offered; bias on the part of users and providers against certain methods; and barriers based on gender to receiving services.  There has been an upsurge in demand for modern methods of contraception as these barriers are removed in various countries.

contraception techniques

Oral contraceptive pills, implants, injectable, patches, vaginal rings, IUDs, condoms, male and female sterilisation, lactational amenorrhea techniques, withdrawal, and fertility awareness based  approaches are among the contraceptive options available.  These techniques all work through various mechanisms and are successful in avoiding unwanted pregnancy. Pregnancies per 100 women who use a method each year are used to gauge a method's effectiveness.  The effectiveness of methods is divided into four categories based on how frequently they are used: very effective (less than or equal to 0.9), effective (between 1 and 9 pregnancies per 100 women), moderately effective (10 to 19 pregnancies per 100 women), and less effective (20 or more pregnancies per 100 

Effectiveness and mechanisms of contraceptive techniques [6] 

Method What it does pregnancies per 100 women annually with constant and appropriate use pregnancies per 100 women year, according per standard practise
combined oral contraceptives (COCs),
 sometimes known as "the pill"prevents ovulation, or the release of eggs from the ovaries.
tablets that only contain protest ovens  sometimes known as "the minipill"inhibits ovulation by thickening cervical mucus, which prevents the meeting of sperm and egg.0.3 7 Implants inhibits ovulation by thickening cervical mucus, which prevents the meeting of sperm and egg. Protest oven only injectable, 0.1inhibits ovulation by thickening cervical mucus, which prevents the meeting of sperm and egg.

Sump to thermal approach emergency contraceptives (tulip distal acetate 30 mg or levonorgestrel 1.5 mg

 prevent pregnancy by avoiding unprotected vaginal intercourse during the most fertile times prevents or postpones the ovaries' discharge of eggs. 

One pill for ulipristal acetate may be administered to prevent pregnancy up to five days after unprotected sex. ECPs

 One for estrogens only ECPs and two for progestin only ECPs 

calendar approach or rhythmic approach The couple avoids getting pregnant by abstaining from sexual activity or using a condom during the first and last days that are believed to be fertile There are no reliable efficacy rates available.
Coitus interrupts, also known as withdrawal, aims to retain sperm outside of the woman's body to prevent fertilisation.
Family and birth control planning
Your decision on birth control depends on a variety of things, such as your health, how frequently you have sex, and whether you want children or not.


Here are some inquiries to think about before choosing a birth control method:

How effectively does the approach stop pregnancies? Look at the number of pregnancies among 100 women who used that approach over the course of a year to see how effective it is.
What emotions do you have about being pregnant? Would a lady or her partner suffer difficulty or anguish as a result of an unanticipated pregnancy? Or would a pregnancy that came earlier than expected be welcomed?
How much does a birth control technique cost?

Facts about natural family planning in a nutshell

Natural family planning can be up to 99% effective if used appropriately and consistently (1 to 9 women in 100 who use natural family planning become pregnant in a year).
If the directions are not precisely followed, it is less effective.
It has no negative physical effects, and you can use it to predict when you'll become pregnant.
It takes 3 to 6 menstrual (monthly) cycles to learn the approach, which requires you to keep a daily journal of your fertility signals, such as your body temperature and the fluids oozing from your cervix.
Illness, stress, and travel might impact your fertility signals.
How to use natural family planning
In order to plan or avoid conception, natural family planning entails recognising the signs and symptoms of fertility during your menstrual cycle.

Make sure you're being taught by a certified fertility awareness teacher if you're interested in learning about natural family planning. Locate a fertility awareness centre in your neighbourhood.

For natural family planning, you can keep track of and record three key fertility signs. Which are:

daily measurements of your body temperature changes to your cervical secretions (cervical mucus), which are the length of your menstrual cycle
To obtain a better idea of when you're most likely to be fertile, it's best to track these factors together.

You can record and monitor your measurements over time using fertility charts.